Did you know that histamines have a huge impact on the appearance and health of our skin? The enzyme histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT), for example, ensures, among other things, the breakdown of histamine in the skin. So if the activity of the enzyme is disturbed, it can be the reason for skin problems.
What exactly is histamine intolerance?
Histamines are found in both food and the human body. In the body, histamines are responsible for activating digestion, for example. They also lower blood pressure and support the immune system. As a messenger for inflammation, histamine causes our skin to swell. When you have histamine intolerance, certain enzymes, such as diamine oxidase, do not function properly in the digestive system. They are responsible for breaking down histamine and related substances in the intestine. If the breakdown of histamines is disturbed, this leads to an accumulation of histamine in the body and this is exactly what causes problems for those affected.
Common symptoms include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, migraines, cardiovascular problems and finally skin problems. In addition to our stomach, intestines and head, our skin can also provide us with important information about intolerances.
Skin reactions due to histamine intolerance can be:
Skin redness (flushing): You suddenly notice skin redness, especially on the face, décolleté and neck.
Itchy hives: Small red or white swellings with a red border form. This sensitive area of skin is also characterized by itching.
Angioedema: This is water retention and swelling that occurs particularly on the face.
Pimples/blemishes: Side effects of histamine intolerance, such as intestinal dysbiosis or an imbalance in hormones, can lead to blemishes.
Some of the symptoms mentioned can occur at the same time. Hives can also indicate histamine intolerance. It is the combination of itchy hives, skin redness and angioedema.
The lack of histamine breakdown in the case of intolerance leads to an increased concentration of histamines. This makes the blood vessels in the skin more permeable and therefore more water can penetrate the vessels. This process leads to the appearance of hives on the skin. Further intake of histamines, certain medications and stress increase the symptoms. If contact with the trigger is broken off, the symptoms usually disappear within 24 hours.
Skin diseases such as rosacea, acne and neurodermatitis can be made worse by an excess of histamines. If you scratch the itchy areas, your skin condition will continue to worsen and a vicious circle begins. So keep your hands off and put on gloves to sleep.
How can you treat the rash:
It's best not to wear makeup as it clogs your pores and is more likely to cause a rash.
You should avoid irritating scents and pollutants. Instead, use a mild cleaner that is free of fragrances and harmful substances.
Active ingredients such as mallow extract and horse chestnut extract are suitable for skin care . Mallow extract calms redness and inflammation, while horse chestnut extract can reduce swelling.
Stress and UV radiation worsen the symptoms, so always wear sun protection and relax.
However, you should still see a doctor and have the cause of the rash determined.
Tips for histamine intolerance – what you should pay attention to:
It is best to always prepare food fresh and consume it straight away.
It is also recommended to avoid:
Soy, dairy, nuts, wheat
Smoked, dried or heavily salted sausage and fish products
Fermented vegetables
Late harvest wines, especially red wine
Ripe cheeses, such as Parmesan
… to name just a few. If you want to know exactly which foods you react to, you should keep a food diary.
Reiß, S. Histamine intolerance and skin problems such as rash. HistaFit. Retrieved from: https://histafit.de/histamin-intolerance-und-hautproblems/
NDR. (06/06/2023). Recognize and treat histamine intolerance. Retrieved from: https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/gesundheit/Histaminintolerance-erkennen-und-behandeln,histamin100.html