28.August 2023

How are skin condition and well-being related?

Gesundheit  - Hautkrankheit  - Pickel  - Unreine Haut 

How does your skin affect your psyche?

If you literally don't feel comfortable in your own skin, this can result in depressive moods, introversion, loneliness and distrust. Children affected by skin diseases in particular often exhibit the psychological suffering mentioned. In this case, dermatologists speak of a “neurodermatitis psyche”. But an increased incidence of depression and disturbed social behavior in connection with skin diseases can also be observed in adults. A healthy and radiant complexion, on the other hand, can have a positive influence on the psyche and strengthen self-esteem.


Skin conditions and self-esteem

When we meet a person, we look directly into their face. The face and therefore also the facial skin plays a crucial role in assessing a person's attractiveness. Our perception of beauty is heavily influenced by social standards and social media. If our skin complexion deviates significantly from this ideal, it has a negative impact on our self-esteem. Particularly severe forms of acne vulgaris are stressful for young people. But dark circles, redness, wrinkles and other visual “blemishes” can also lead to insecurities and weakened self-esteem.

Skin positivity

Everyone has a pimple sometimes and very few people look like they do on Instagram in real life! Everyone's skin is unique and it's important to understand that no one is perfect. Instead of referring to supposed beauty ideals, you should accept and appreciate your skin. Of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't support them well. A balanced diet, enough water, regular exercise and a consistent skincare routine have a positive effect on your skin and therefore also on your psyche. Overall, you can strengthen your self-esteem through a positive or at least neutral attitude towards your skin. Remember that true beauty comes from within and that you should accept yourself as you are.

If you suspect a skin disease or the condition of your skin is negatively affecting your psychology, seek help from experts such as dermatologists and beauticians. Please also take a look at our blog posts on various skin diseases. We have collected valuable tips for you there. Your individual skin care series with exactly the active ingredients that are tailored to your skin needs can also support you on the way to healthier skin. For this we recommend our skin test .


Fritsch, P., & Schwarz, T. (2018). Dermatology Venereology . (3rd ed.) 986-987. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53647-6