With sport you improve your condition and your skin! But how?
Exercising regularly not only strengthens your muscles and keeps you puffing for longer while jogging, but it also has several other benefits:
- The blood circulation of your skin improves
- You provide your body with more oxygen
- The heart works harder
- The organs are better supplied with blood
- Your blood cells are supplied with more blood due to the higher pumping capacity of the heart
Due to the higher blood circulation and oxygen supply during sports, more nutrients reach our skin in addition to oxygen, which leads to the fact that cell growth is improved and the cells can renew themselves faster and better.
All these effects provide improved tone of vessels and tissues. Because of the increased pumping capacity of your heart, the small capillaries, i.e. the tiny blood vessels in your skin, are supplied with more blood. That's why exercise makes your skin look firmer and fresher.
Exercise, especially in daylight, strengthens the body's defenses because the body produces vitamin D through sunlight. This helps the skin fight off infections and inflammation and pimples can heal faster and be prevented to a certain extent.
A well supplied with blood skin also helps to remove free radicals faster. Free radicals are intermediate products of your metabolism. They lead to:
- Oxidative stress
- Premature skin aging
- And impurities
Environmental influences such as UV radiation, stress and air pollution in particular lead to a particularly high concentration of free radicals.
Sweat makes the skin look better! That sounds strange at first, but it's true! Because when you sweat, the dead skin cells are brought to the surface, where you can then easily wash them off.
When you exercise, your skin pores open up and excess sebum and dirt that has accumulated in the skin due to environmental influences is removed naturally. Too much sebum in the pores is also a very good breeding ground for many bacteria that are on the skin, which can cause new inflammations and impurities. That's why you should avoid wearing makeup during sports, as this blocks the skin's ability to breathe.
But in order for your skin to actually improve, it is important to wash off the sweat after sports. The excess sebum that is transported out of the pores by sweating causes the substances to settle on the skin and clog the pores again. These are the ideal conditions for inflammation-causing propionibacteria, which in turn lead to impurities.
Exercise is known to reduce stress (and blemishes)! This is a good thing, because negative stress makes your skin more susceptible to pimples. Because acne and stress influence each other.
Particularly in acne sufferers, too much stress leads to more severe acne attacks. This is due to the stress hormone cortisol, which is released by your body when you are under too much stress, as it contributes to increased sebum production.
Especially through endurance and weight training you can naturally reduce the excess stress hormones in your body, avoid inflammation and rebalance your hormone balance. Clear skin and that only by sweating and without chemical products!
Sport not only strengthens your self-confidence, but also improves your skin! So get into your jogging shoes and run away from pimples! Or typical Münster: cleanse the skin by cycling in nature.
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- Schay P. (2011) Sport als Möglichkeit der Stressbewältigung. In: Innovative Hilfe- und Leistungsangebote in der Drogenhilfe. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-531-92631-5_
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